With the season of sun, light, and warmth comes dryness, sweat, and imbalance in skin texture. It takes extreme care and discipline to attain the perfect summer look. Here are a few beauty tips on how to allow your skin to acclimatize during seasonal changes.
Moisturize till you glow and gleam!
It is easy to study your skin and its needs. Use an oil-free moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated. You can even hydrate your skin with a gentle aloe mask at home, before your naptime. Wake up to beautiful skin and flaunt your smooth skin! Pro tip: Mix a bit of your normal moisturizer with a little bit of foundation and set out for work with flawless, hydrated skin.
Keep sweat from ruining your makeup
Your primer is your best friend. Use primer so that your makeup stays put and doesn’t give in to a sweaty summer day. Apply before makeup and be rest assured that your makeup will have that untouched fresh look that will help you look bright and glowing throughout the day. Primer helps reduce the number of retouches you will need otherwise.
Say yes to water-resistant concealers
Sweat is the first thing that comes to our minds when we think of summer. Which is why water-resistant products will keep from making your makeup runny and smudgy. Seal your killer look for the day with water-resistant concealers and look your best throughout any day.
Summer is a beloved time to rejoice and celebrate but for the incessant heat. Be unencumbered by the summer heat with light makeup over moisturized skin. Stay happy, hydrated and healthy!