You could think “what could possibly go wrong on my wedding day if I plan everything?” But surprise surprise, there are a ton of things that can go wrong if you do not research about the makeup routine and skincare/healthcare routine you choose. Here are the top picks.

Don’t overstep

Know your skin type and don’t overdo your style in the name of experimentation. Know the difference between well thought out process and a lousy choice. Understand your skin type and choose.

Skip some for your skin

Say no to excess calories when your wedding is right around the corner. We know a cheesy burger or a refreshing cold drink might sound appealing what with all the stress around wedding time but learn to say no! Don’t mistake thirst for hunger. Keep yourself hydrated and adequately fed and you will thank yourself later.

Keep your locks locked

Not in the literal sense, but make sure you protect your hair from pollution and the summer heat. While out, make sure you carry a scarf/bandana to protect your hair. Tie your hair up into a loose bun. While at home, use your free time to leave a hair mask on (aloe based or any other type that suits your scalp). Balance the moisture level well with frequent nourishment.

Don’t sweat it

While you would want to look at your best self on your wedding day, it is also important to embrace yourself. Take slow and steady steps to mold your skin and body to the perfect state. Don’t stress over results. Take one step at a time! Enjoy the process just as much as the results.

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