Here are on some pointers on how to escape being stained by the Haldi and to be spotless and beautiful for the ceremonies that follow.
- Apply makeup on your whole face. Make sure you don’t leave any spot of your face without makeup. Make sure you tell your stylist this as the makeup screens the Haldi applied and will help remove the Haldi easily with minimal effort.
- Moisturize your face if you are going for a natural look. The moisturizer here will be the screen that protects your skin from the rich yellow being smeared on your face all day! This tip is a helpful one for the grooms as well.
- Remove your makeup (covered with Haldi by the end of the day) with alcohol and toner. This will clean your face without any traces of Haldi.
- Wear your hair up! Trust us this will help you big time. The lesser you have to clean off after the ceremony the better! So go with hairdos that are minimal and are graceful to look at.
Haldi, one of the most beautiful pre-wedding ceremonies can also be tiring and hard to handle. Don’t fret. Try to follow these tips and you will walk through the whole ceremony with your head held high, gracefully and beautifully.
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